Start a community conferencing program in your area

Bring community conferencing to your area

Starting and sustaining a community conferencing program that delivers high quality services requires good up-front planning and strategic implementation. In fact, 90% of the effort goes toward program development and implementation; only 10% is typically used for facilitator training and skill-building. Restorative Response Baltimore has worked locally, nationally, and internationally with organizations who have developed their own viable community conferencing programs.

Restorative Response Baltimore offers unique end-to-end community conferencing program development services for those interested in building a high-quality community conferencing program. The support we provide covers every aspect of developing and implementing a sustainable program, including:

  • Engaging stakeholders to design a program that fits your needs
  • Finding a viable “home” for the program
  • Facilitator training and skill-building
  • Developing quality assurance systems
  • Maintaining reliable referral sources
  • Tracking program outcomes with a user-friendly customized community conferencing database
    • Easy data entry
    • Comprehensive case information
    • Easy-to-generate grant reports

Our goal is to help build sustainable programs that provide high-quality community conferencing services for years to come.

If you are interested in starting a community conferencing program in your area, please call 410-889-7400 or email us at