Bring Restorative Practices to your program

Professional Development Workshops

The Community Conferencing Center offers various trainings in restorative practices in schools, youth programs, workplaces, neighborhoods and more.

Daily Rap Dialogue Circles (DR)

DR Dialogue Circles provide students and adults with ways to communicate and opportunities to develop meaningful connections with one another.

Asking Restorative Questions (RQ)

Defuse conflict and foster accountability.  This easy-to-implement tool helps build positive communication and culture.

Restorative Practices Overview (RP)

Learn principles, practices, and research that build a connected and safe culture.

Restorative Conversations (RC)

A continuation of RQ, this is used to  immediately address incidents and gives everyone a voice and builds problem-solving skills.

Affective Communication (AC)

Learn to share observations and feelings in ways that reduce blame and create clear expectations.

Trauma, Learning, and Restorative Practices (TRP)

Trauma affects learning.  Learn ways to understand and effectively address the impact of trauma classroom, workplace and other settings.

On-site School Services

Our trained facilitators provide the following services directly on site at schools in Baltimore City.

Community Conferencing (CC)

Community Conferencing is an effective alternative to suspension and expulsion, and is an inclusive way to address conflict between individuals, groups of students and/or staff. Community Conferences are facilitated by a neutral facilitator, and include those directly involved and affected by an incident and their family members and/or supporters. The meeting offers participants the opportunity to discuss 1) what occurred, 2) how they were affected by it, and 3) ways to repair any harm and move forward so that it does not happen again.

Responsive Circles

Responsive Circles provide an opportunity for a focused group of young people to 1) meet on a regular basis, 2) give voice to their feelings and concerns, 3) sort through their experiences and learn how to support each other, problem-solve together, and find ways to be a positive part of the school community. Responsive Circles are especially effective with gender-specific groups of students, and with students who have similar and/or recurring issues. Occur weekly for a minimum of 4 weeks.

If you are interested in bringing Restorative Practices to your program, please call  410-889-7400 or email us at